Rotating Banner System
This professional banner and advertising system for vBulletin 3.6.5+, 3.7 and 3.8 replaces the previous product (vBulletin Banners). It allows to insert easily an unlimited number of almost any kind of Advertising literally anywhere in your board. It is free for personal and commercial use.
- Unlimited horizontal and vertical banners and advertising.
- Easy installation and removal.
- Conversion tool for vBulletin Banners.
- Easy insertion anywhere in your board, including messages.
- Fully integrated into the vBulletin Administrator Control Panel.
- Advertising start and end dates.
- Light-weight and fast PHP code.
- Views scripts (e.g. Google AdSense) and static images.
- Count and limitation of impressions and clicks, date ranges.
- Click tracker for Image Banners.
- Optional limitation to certain forums by selection.
- Home page advertising.
- Optional limitation to certain usergroups.
- Up to 10 different placeholders.
Please download this vBulletin product from here.
Junior Member
Ciao innanzitutto grazie per il tuo splendido lavoro, ma non riesco in nessun modo a far funzionare il tuo plugin...
1. Ho caricato i file sul server
2. Ho installato il plugin
3. Ho creato un nuovo banner in Position 0
4. Ho incollato il codice in ad_navbar_below (<!--@vbbanners:0@-->)
Ma il banner non viene mostrato. Come mai?
Senior Member
credo che il codice da inserire sia questo "@vbbanners@".
Senior Member
no va cosi' <!--@vbbanners:%d@--> dove "%d" e' la posizione ID
Junior Member
Hi admin, i have a problem with one banner flash.
I can put working with others flash banner but not with that one.
I send you a PM an vbulletin.org
I cant send here a PM to you.
Best Regards
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