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Discussione: Reset Livesite 2.0 Evaluation Period

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Reset Livesite 2.0 Evaluation Period

    This tiny program (requires VB 6 runtimes) resets the Livesite 2.0 Evaluation Period.

    Whoever has got this powerful editor and has used it for a long time, will have noticed that it is out of business, and it's a pity not to use it any more.

    We offer this tool, because Livesite 2.0 has been always freeware.
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  2. #2


    This is the source code.
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Discussioni Simili

  1. Reset Valadeo Live Site 2.0 Evaluation Period
    Di Admin nel forum Assembly
    Risposte: 0
    Ultimo Messaggio: 18-09-2004, 16:40


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