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    Pubblicato il 17-12-2013 13:40  Numero di Visualizzazioni: 2278 
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    If you spend any time surfing the Internet, it�s bound to happen. You come across a story, video, or mindless rant and just can�t contain yourself. You need to share. It might be a simple as a thought-provoking article about a witty video that anthropomorphizes spam, or a story representing an endless media feeding frenzy on the crack-smoking Mayor of Toronto, or it might just be a cute video of a cat that hiccups and farts at the same time. Whatever the tone, purpose, humor, or sheer stupidity of it, you just need to share that sucker with everyone you know.
    Pubblicato il 13-07-2013 13:00  Numero di Visualizzazioni: 2462 
    1. Categorie:
    2. Server,
    3. Hosting

    Caratteristiche server dedicato Linux Ubuntu LTS a �1200,00 + IVA (annuale):
    • Potenza di calcolo sufficiente per circa 30-60 domini di taglia media oppure di 1-2 domini di taglia grande
    • Sistema pienamente mantenuto
    • Spazio disco: 1 TB
    • RAM: 16 GB
    • Sistema aggiornato
    • Backup esterno giornaliero con storia a scaglioni di 6 mesi, conforme ISO 9001
    • Backup su disco esterno giornaliero con storia a scaglioni minima di 1 mese, limitata dallo spazio disponibile
    • Accesso al database tramite phpMyAdmin
    • Accesso FTP/Rsync
    • Apache, PHP e MySQL aggiornati alle ultime versioni stabili
    • 3 caselle di posta elettronica su server di posta separato
    • Servizi aggiuntivi: come da accordi individuali
    • Banda a consumo su linea condivisa a 100 MBit/sec, max 5 TB al mese
    Pubblicato il 22-02-2013 21:30  Numero di Visualizzazioni: 3527 

    Suppose you meet an alien from a far distant galaxy, and she asks you to explain the identifying features of email spam. At face value, it sounds like a simple proposition, but if you think about it, the answer might be more difficult than you realize.

    Spam comes in so many forms and flavors that it�s hard to nail down a definitive set of characteristics. When you toss marketing and retail spam into the mix, the definition for spam morphs from a laundry list of all that�s despicable about human nature into a veritable cornucopia of moronic nonsense. Nonsense, however, can be as dangerous as ignorance, and if you�ve ever wondered �what�s the point?� of those nonsensical emails that occasionally invade your inbox, you may want to pay attention.
     Numero di Visualizzazioni: 45292 
    1. Categorie:
    2. Forum Spam
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     Numero di Visualizzazioni: 9258 
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    2. Forum Spam
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    2. Forum Spam
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